Certain businesses such as chimney specialists use industrial drones for inspection. They need a licence for each drone they own. Local governments in England and Wales need to approve a Conditions and Limitations of Use, before the final approval by Home Office. How might we enable small businesses to apply for and manage their drone licences in a simple way?
Some businesses own up to 500 drones nationwide. Each drone must pass a Fit For Flight (FFF) annual test by an independent assessor. Home Office needs to see the proof of the FFF assessment one month before the annual licence renewal.
Police can ask a pilot to present a proof of its licence on the spot. The minister aims to ensure that the UK is at the forefront of drone adoption, and to know the annual turnover of each business with licensed drones.
Home Office needs details of active, new and elapsed licenses across the nation. Annual reports by Home Office will be submitted to the Secretary of State for insight of drones.
Understand & Define
Toni worked with a researcher and stakeholders to understand the processes and policies. The full life span of the service was visualised and shared with a wider audiences at Home Office.
Based on our understanding and insights, we mapped a service blueprint and sketched key screens for drone licensing application. The low-fidelity prototypes have tested well with internal users.
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